Research Methods


Conducting primary research is an important undertaking that is seldom afforded the resources and attention required to guarantee success. Research objectives are often vague, inappropriate sample methodology used, data collection methods misaligned with questionnaires, and inappropriate data analysis performed.

The research design for a study provides the framework or blueprint for the execution of its various components. Good research design ensures that all defined objectives of your study are met.

Guided by our expert knowledge and applied experience, we are ideally positioned to assist you with the following activities:

  • identifying and defining clearly your research questions or problems;
  • undertaking a complete literature review of the topic to be investigated;
  • formulating clear research questions and hypotheses;
  • identifying the key data variables required; and
  • selecting the most appropriate data analysis procedures and techniques.

Our research design services are accessible to organizations seeking an all-inclusive service, as well as clients who may require assistance in specialized areas only.